Sitemap - 2022 - The Product Channel By Sid Saladi

🕵️‍♂️ Week 19 - How to discover customer needs ?

Week 18 - Pitfalls of Vision, Strategy, and Roadmaps

Week 17 - 💎 6 Most Effective Problem Prioritization Frameworks for Product Managers - Part 2

Week 16 - 🤯 6 Most Effective Problem Prioritization Frameworks for Product Managers - Part 1

🚗 Week 15 - How to Build an Effective Product Roadmap

🚀 Will Metaverse be a $1 Trillion Market 🤯 by 2030 ?

Week 13 - User Journey Map

👀 Week 12 - 9 Ways To Influence People Without Authority

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Week 11 - Effective Prioritization for Product Managers

Week 10 - Product Led growth

💡 Week 9 - First Principle Thinking

🎯 Week 8 - Web 3 basics for Product Managers

Week 7 - how do you learn from users to build great products

Week 6 - PM 101 (Books, Articles, Podcasts and Newsletters)

Week 5 - Week in Product Series - Product Metrics

Week 4 - Week in Product Series - Secrets of Success (OKRs)

Week 3 - Week in Product Series - Design Thinking (0 to 1)

Week 2 - Week in Product Series - Product Strategy, Vision and Roadmap

Week 1 - Week in Product Series - Discovery

6 Takeaways from the book "GOOD TO GREAT"

7 key takeaways from the book 10X Rule

Secrets to success - GRIT (Passion and Perseverance for long-term)

Potentially blockchain could revolutionize many industries

Intrinsic motivation

Well Mapped Vision

A line from mindset

Can Micro-mobility Kick Uber and Lyft out?

Product market fit

2021 has yet again been a very productive year reading awesome books.

Growth Mindset


Space travel Industry

it's always not easy to pick which opportunities or needs drive the right outcomes you want for your product.

Will Tesla offer level 5 Autonomy/Self-driving as a service ( AasS ) Soon ?

Prioritization as a Product Manager

Pitfalls of Vision, Strategy, and Roadmaps

User Needs Discovery

Coming soon